The feast of Chinese Teaching in Primary School——Luoli the Famous Teacher Studio of Shuangliu Dist
The feast of Chinese Teaching in Primary School——Luoli the Famous Teacher Studio of Shuangliu District and the Institute Activity of Tanghu Elementary School On May 29 th 2018, the second competition among Chinese young teachers in prima -
Interactive Development of Educational Alliances Between Shuang Liu District and Qing Bai Jiang Disc
O n December 29 th ,2017, the L uo L i teacher studio went to Y uhong elementary school for interactive development of educational alliance s between S huang L iu district and Q ing B ai J iang district. I t can promote communication betwe -
Multiple Growth Art Glitter in the Sky ——the Commend of the 32nd Little Chinese Flowering Crabapp
On December 29 th , 2017, Tanghu elementary school held the 32 nd little chinese flowering crabapple art festival and new year ’ s day art show . Firstly, the schoolmaster Li Shunrong made a speech on behalf of Tanghu elementary school. N -
The Chorus Contest of the 32th Art Festival in Tanghu Elementary Got a Great Succuss
All the students and teachers in Tanghu Elementary School were happy to welcome the traditional class chorus competition. And the vice president ,Zhangxiang, delivered a speech for this festival. These students came from Grade 1 to Grade 5 -
The Top Teachers in ShuangLiu Bring Teaching Strategies for Longchi Elementary School
In order to improve the teaching quality, the top teachers in Shuangliu District form a group to give instructions to other teachers. This group arrived at Longchi Elementary School on December 28th, 2017, which was led by Zhao Jianyun, Fu -
Solidarity and Cooperation Promoting Common Development ——the Teaching and Researching Activity o
On December 18 th , the members of Ni xiaoqiong research institute came to Huangjia elementary school for the fifth teaching and researching activity. Firstly, Zeng Xiaojuan from Huangjia elementary school had the first lesson. Miss Zeng c -
The Drawing Contest of the 32th Art Festival Got a Great Success
The Drawing Contest of the 32th Art Festival Got a Great Success Tanghu Elementary School holds its 32th traditional art festival in December. All the students and the teachers will spend 20 days on celebrating this festival according to o
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