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Creating a city with Grade 4

Time:2017-11-10 10:45Writer:Ceri Click: times




    This week I taught Grade 4 again. After seeing how much they enjoyed building a farm I decided to replicate the style of lesson to be about the city instead. We started each lesson by going over “what do you see in a city”. We went over places such as; restaurant, zoo, cafe, supermarket, bank etc. This was mostly a recap as Grade 4 have previously learned this, though we did also go over different types of shops, with the children having to think of different types of shops. Some of my favourites were; “pen shop”, “cap shop”, and “football shop”.



    After this we went on to “Build the city”. To do this I started off by drawing a school and some roads, and then basically giving the children free reign to draw whatever buildings they wanted! Naturally we had a lot of KFCs, Big Ben, and fairgrounds in a few of them. The children all got very excited by this activity, and all wanted their own building on the map. Each time something new was drawn on the board, the children had to say where is was using the phrases “next to”, “across from”, and “to the right/left of”. This gave them a chance to practice using directions that they had previously learned in their first module of the year. At the end of the lesson I would ask the class “where is....”, and they would have to tell me where the building was. I hope the children had a fun time building the city, and enjoyed practicing their English conversational skills.
